Human resources department and your functional area describe present skills sought and offered.

Competences and roles of employees and candidates are captured, analyzed and evaluated.

Secure future competitiveness with competence-based personell planning.


Precise personell planning with competence-matching

HCM4Talents assists you in synchronising the requirements of a postion with the competences of candidates, talents and employees. The skills of your employees and candidates are professionally recorded, evaluated and analyzed on the basis of role- /competence profiles. Human resources and other departments describe already existing skills without discontinuity of media.

Before external and cost-intensive recruiting measures have to be taken, you can precisely search for internal resources. Also accross locations.

Promote your talents targetly

A GAP-Analysis of the existing skills of your employees is furthermore the basis for necessary continuiing education and training measures. They can therefore be initiated in a targeted manner and results can be tracked on a timeline before and after a training measure.

Self-evaluation and external assessment of competences

Evaluate competence gaps on a time line

Goal-oriented personnel development measures

Monitor effectiveness of personnel development measures

Search and find talents using skills