In scarce markets it is increasingly difficult to gain the right employees. Develop your own strategy and act accordingly in recruiting, talent management and personnel work.
In our workshops we provide you with methods and work together on your custom-designed concept that fits your company.

Workshop Recruiting
Is your recruiting process efficient? Do you use your budget for the right targets? We show you why the analysis of your recruiting success pays off, which aspects require optimization and how a human capital management system can help you.

Workshop talent management
Are you familiar with the talents and skills of your employees? And do you make full use of their potential? To make full use of the existing potiential and talents of your employees they have to be known. Get to know how you identify, develop and link your employees in the long term.

Workshop skill management
Knowledge of what is searched for, is the basis of efficiant personnel work. That starts with clearly defined and skill based requirements and job ads and ends with the competence assessment of your employees, talents and candidates. In this workshop you will get to know how a skill management customized to your needs, can unlock potentials, enables an early and accurate planning and reduce costs.

Workshop personnel development
In this workshop sort out questions like: how does the digitalization affect personnel development? How can a intelligent talent- and skill management increase the effectiveness of your PD measures?