How does it work practically?
Six out of ten companies start searching when there is the actual need for a new employee so if either there is a open vacancy (succession) or has been approved (staff buildup). But where's the strategy? It's missing. And that can be costly.
Directing your view to the inside. Not only the outside.
When searching for potential candidates the view turns mostly outside. The measures from classic job ads through to personnel consultants are above all: cost-intensive. If you can find the right employee is often in doubt.
The advantages of internal recruiting are evident: cost and time savings, shorter familiarization periods and employee loyalty.
To turn your sight to the inside departments and human resources certainly need a tool with which they can align the medium- and long-term personnel requirements with the actual situation and the skills, competences and potentials of every employee.
Here predictive HCM comes into play.
Predictive HCM is used for an effective talent management. Profiles, skills and competences of employees are recorded at a detailed level for the first time. Management and human resources are empowered to recognize potentials and hidden possiblities and utilize and promote employees target-oriented.
On this basis human resources can design learning programs and focus towards specific goals. To measure the effects and plan for the future we provide you with Analytics Tools.
With predictive HCM automatically the employee satisfaction and linking is increased automatically. Individual promotion means increase in employee satisfaction.